Swap Policy

Swap policy – effective 1 January 2024

  • If you mark your child as absent 72 hours in advance through the parent app Konnect you will receive a credit for your contract hours for that day.
  • You can use the credit in the current year for childcare on another day or at the after school care for a study day.
  • You can request that extra day through the parent portal.
  • The extra day can only be granted if there is an available place on the location that is compliant with rules and regulations, if there is no availability you will keep your credit.
  • All credits will expire on december 31th of the current year
  • You can have a maximum of 77 hours in your credit. Every time you use credit, you can add more hours up to your credit until you have 77 hours again.
  • Credits are not exchangeable for money or transferable to another child.
  • The credit will expire on the last day of your contract and are not useable after that date.